How to use and activate ActiveX (FDGrid) in

To use my ActiveX (FDGrid), you must add only one file from files: "Microsoft DAO 3.51 (or 3.6) Object Library" to the reference and add (FDGrid) control to the Toolbox.

Using the Code
Form1 (connect to the database file and use ActiveX as MSDataGrid)
LoadData() procedure:

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Dim MyDataFile As String
Dim MyDb As Database
Dim MySql As String

   MyDataFile = App.Path + "\DataFile\" + "Sale.mdb"
   Set MyDb = OpenDatabase(MyDataFile, False, False, ";pwd=" & "")
   MySql = "SELECT * FROM Products Order by ProductID"
   FDGrid1.DatabaseName = MyDataFile
   FDGrid1.RecordSource = MySql
   FDGrid1.RecordsetType = vbRSTypeDynaset
Form_Load() procedure:

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'Call LoadData procedure
cmdAdd_Click() procedure:

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' add new record to data base file
cmdCancel_Click() procedure:

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' don't save record
cmdDelete_Click() procedure:

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' delete record from data base file
cmdUpdate_Click() procedure:

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' save record to data base file
Refer to Form1 to see code for MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext and MovePrevious.

Form2 (use ActiveX to edit grid)
LoadData() procedure:

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FDGrid1.Cols = 8 'grid has 8 columns
FDGrid1.Rows = 15 'grid has 15 rows

'set alignment of fixed row to center
For c = 1 To FDGrid1.Cols - 1
   FDGrid1.TextMatrix(0, c) = "Col " & CStr(c)
   FDGrid1.ColAlignmentHeader(c) = flexAlignCenterCenter
Next c

' fill some rows
For r = 1 To 5
   For c = 1 To FDGrid1.Cols - 1
      FDGrid1.TextMatrix(r, c) = "Cell(" & CStr(r) & "," & CStr(c) & ")"
   Next c
Next r

' You can edit any cell, just click any cell then try to edit it.
When extracting the file, you can find the FDGrid.ocx file in the ActiveXcontrol folder.

Find the database file Sale.mdb in the DataFile folder.

Find the prjBoundFlex project (to test the ActiveX control) in the FDGrid folder.

This project has three forms (frmMain, Form1 and Form2).

Form1 is to connect grid with database file.
Form2 is to edit grid.
Last Words
I hope this article is useful and helps you when your application needs to connect with the database or needs to edit grid. Please tell me if you have any ideas or if you find any problems. Thanks to Code Project and thanks to all.

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